Data Collection Modes


ReconMR’s three call centers based within the US include a total of 750+ fully networked Computer Assisted Telephone Interviewing(CATI) stations managed on a shared operating platform. ReconMR allows for seamless questionnaire deployment, sample management, quota management, interviewer monitoring, and expedited data delivery. ReconMR’s interviewers are also experienced in a wide variety of client-hosted platforms. We have a robust group of Spanish/ bilingual interviewers on our staff.

Staff Training and Excellence

  • Bilingual Interviewing – Proficiency in over 10 languages, including English and Spanish.
  • Client-Hosted Platforms – Besides our full in-house CATI management, we are proficient at remote sample and interviewing management.
  • Secure Work-From-Home Capabilities
  • Full Coverage of All North American Time Zones
  • Human Subjects Protection Training
  • Vetted staff – successful criminal background check required of all hires.
  • Outbound and Inbound

Read the Phone/CATI One-Sheet

Online: Data Collection and Panel

Online Interviewing & Panel

Though our roots were in telephone data collection, we were early adopters of online research, allowing us to perfect our craft, becoming recognized as an industry leader. Leveraging cutting-edge technology along with our skilled and highly experienced staff, ReconMR helps ensure your project will be a success no matter the level of complexity in areas like survey logic and sampling. Experience Matters!


With Over 11 million DOI (Double Opt-In) Panelists Nationally (US) plus Global Reach

  • Full turnkey solution for Programming and Hosting
  • All seasoned US-based Programmers
  • VOXCO software for standalone or seamless Multimodal solution
  • Full customization of branding and look-and-feel
  • Conjoint and Discrete Choice Modeling (DCM) done in-house
  • Program in ANY language


  • 100% US based Project Managers with 20+ years each in managing data collection projects of all modes
  • Only tenured experts work on Online projects, including Account Managers,Programmers, and Project Managers


  • NO ONLINE MINIMUMS, even for Panel-only projects


  • Multimodal options for seamless integration with other sampling methods or modes of data collection


  • Strict Quality Control built into projects programmed by ReconMR
  • Digital Fingerprinting and Fraud Identification
  • Ability to flag professional survey takers from outside Panel sources
  • Text Analytics designed to identify fraudulent or suspicious Open-end responses
  • Ability to verify email address validity from client lists and other non-panel sample
  • Built-in digital identification to prevent sending invites to respondents who have already visited the survey


  • SMS/MMS-to-Web
  • Can work in conjunction with offline sampling solutions via CATI or Text-to-Web with all quotas integrated on the back end.

Read the Online Surveys One-Sheet


A staggering 85% of Americans own and use a smartphone device. To put this in perspective, in 2011, adoption was only 35%. More importantly than the growth is that usage is ever increasing. This creates an ever-growing research opportunity that is often underutilized. ReconMR can expand your reach by setting up an SMS (text messaging) option to invite respondents to participate directly through their mobile device.

This fast and inexpensive technology opens a world of opportunities for recruitment, survey administration, and direct communication with potential respondents:

  • More cost-effective than Live-Agent Cellphone Dialing
  • Reach non-panelized respondents to take online surveys
  • Great way to clean or recruit a client list
  • Often greater response from cell phone sample list,
  • Maximize sample penetration and increase response rates in areas where sample may be limited
  • Use the messaging that best suits your project needs
    • SMS: text only, short, inexpensive, concise messaging to drive traffic/cooperation
    • MMS: more detailed messaging coupled with a graphic to maximize engagement
  • Penetrate enormous amounts of sample in a fraction of the time of Live Calling
  • Peer-to-Peer: essential for TCPA compliance without prior opt-in and offers message customization with human interaction
  • Can be used for all cell phone sampling, including RDD, Voter Records, or Customer-supplied databases
  • Standalone solution for recruitment
  • In conjunction with live calling efforts
  • Two-way communication is available so respondents know they are receiving messages from a real person
  • Increased representation over traditional telephone sample

We’re one of the leaders in SMS/MMS research execution and recruiting. Experience Matters!

Read the SMS/MMS One-Sheet


Before Internet and SMS surveys, traditional mail surveys were the original self-administered research. When time constraints are less of an issue, and you have access to the complete name and home address of the members of your target, mail surveys can be a viable method for reaching participants, especially if they are concerned or interested in the goals of the research. Mail survey opportunities:

  • Design, personalize, print, mail, and track critical communications
  • Maximize representation beyond phone number availability
  • Commonly used for Notification letters, Pre-incentives, and Multimodal (Phone-Mail; Mail-Phone; Mail-Web-Phone)
  • Tailor communications to each recipient
  • Postcards; Letters; Full Surveys
  • Black and White or Full-Color capabilities
  • Inbound scanning providing real-time updates of respondent in-tab activity
  • Multimodal coordination for sample status updates across platforms and/or recruitment modes
  • Client samples, Procured Databases, or Address-Based Sampling

Read the Mail One-Sheet


Capturing the customer experience (CX) through voice offers insight into a qualitative and quantitative format rolled into one solution. IVR allows you to get to the fundamental core of CX. Our system allows for recording the open-end questions, which gives you the true voice of the customer.

  • Lower-cost alternative to live-dialing
  • Inbound mode IVR – Manage incoming respondents call. Collect answers using keypad. Ideal for customer & patient satisfaction programs.
  • Outbound mode IVR – Collect customer feedback at scale with self-complete pre-recorded IVR surveys. Ideal for measuring customer satisfaction across multiple touch points.
  • Mixed mode IVR – Conduct self-administered IVR surveys while managing incoming CATI calls with call hold, intelligent routing or self-serving options.

Read the IVR One-Sheet

Custom Panel Services

We support our clients who are looking to build their own custom panel for continued internal use. We use multiple approaches to help our clients reach their goals.


  • Online Panel
  • Text to Web
  • Mail
  • Live Agent Recruitment


  • General Population RDD
  • Targeted or Listed phone/mail/email sample
  • Client-supplied database


  • Pre-notification strategy (mode) and wording
  • Sample recommendations and procurement based upon desired goals
  • Screener development and wording, if needed
  • Incentive recommendations for amount and fulfillment methods
  • Engagement frequency of panelists to offset attrition and the need to “refill”
  • Use of all outbound modes as reminders to prevent excessive attrition

Read the Custom Panel Services One-Sheet

Multimodal Quantitative Data Collection

ReconMR has close to three decades of data collection experience. Experience Matters! While most of our projects can be managed through a single mode of data collection, we’ve built a great expertise in bringing together multiple modes of data collection to provide even more flexibility and potentially robust and comprehensive research outcomes. ReconMR primarily utilizes multimodal for quantitative research, though qualitative techniques can also be leveraged to expand the capabilities further.

Multimodal research can provide the following:

  • Increased Representativeness: Multimodal collection methods ensure a more representative sample, reducing bias and enhancing the validity of results
  • Deeper Insights: By leveraging multiple methods, researchers can gather richer and more comprehensive data, providing deeper insights into the research topic
  • Diverse Feedback: Multimodal approaches reach a broader and more diverse audience, facilitating the collection of varied perspectives and opinions
  • Efficient Data Collection: Combining modes allows for faster data collection as it reaches a wider audience concurrently, reducing timeframes
  • Improved Data Validation: Verification and validation mechanisms can be implemented across multiple modes, enhancing data accuracy and reliability
  • Greater Participant Engagement: Offering participants flexibility in how they respond (e.g., online surveys, phone interviews, SMS, Inbound) increases engagement and response rates
  • Data Triangulation: Multiple data sources and methods enable researchers to cross-reference and validate findings, strengthening research outcomes
  • Enhanced Data Quality: Multimodal collection minimizes the risk of missing data and incomplete responses, improving overall data quality.
  • Adaptability: Researchers can tailor data collection methods to specific target audiences or research objectives, ensuring flexibility and adaptability